Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Journey of 90 (ok, 95) lbs.....

has begun. My weight loss journey began in earnest a few months ago, went along very well for about 2 weeks, and then crashed. Between swimming and watching my diet, I'd lost 10 lbs, and then.....well, crazy GA summer weather, basically. It seems like every day, as I get home from work, it starts storming. It'll storm (or threaten to storm) until it is just late enough that I can't get in the pool, either because it's too dark, or because I've got to get ready for bed. Last week, when there was finally an evening that allowed me to get in the pool, I threw on my suit, ran out to the pool, jumped in......and landed in a miserably hot 90-degree pool of water. Needless to day, I didn't do many laps that day. However, I did get in the pool yesterday, and swam 20 laps. Not my usually 40, but it was something. I won't be in the pool today, as it's Wednesday, and I have a Bible meeting tonight. But tomorrow, weather willing, I'll be back in. I started July down 10 lbs, I started August having regained 5 of those. I don't want that to become a pattern. From here on out, even if I can't swim, I will find something to do inside for 30 minutes.
I've found a few more adventure races in my area. I don't truly expect to do all of these races next year, but I'm putting them all on the calendar, none the less. It's something to strive for.
Edited 2011 goals:
January - Walt Disney World Family Fun Run 5K, Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, FL
April - Eco-Adventure Race, Sandy Creek Nature Park, Athens, GA
May - Warrior Dash, Mountain City, GA
June - My First Triathlon, Lake Lanier Islands, GA
June - Muddy Buddy, Conyers, GA
June - Expedition Everest Challenge, Disney's Animal Kingdom, Lake Buena Vista, FL
September - Ditch the City, Conyers, GA
October - Mickey's Halloween Family Fun Run 5K, Epcot, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Summer/Fall - Spartan Race, Atlanta, GA

1 comment:

  1. SO you plan on doing the WDW 5k in 2011?? Why not the half??
    I don't want to hear I can not do that!!! Please i am hear to say yes you CAN. I walked it in 3:08.Yep. I had fun every step of the way.
    Hi I am Rae. =)
